Weeping Cherry Tree: All You Need To Know
The weeping cherry tree is a majestic, ornamental tree with hanging branches of pale pink blooms. They are perhaps best known for being seen in Japanese artwork and entertainment, but these beautiful trees can make their home in any garden given the right conditions.
Today we will be taking an in-depth look into this tree. We’ll look at what these trees need to grow, how to keep them healthy, and what they will look like through the seasons.
Keep reading.
What Does a Weeping Cherry Tree Look Like?
A weeping cherry tree has an appearance similar to a willow. They have thick main branches with smaller bendable branches that shoot off and hang downwards.
During the spring, these branches are covered in pale pink flowers. In the summer, the flowers fall and make way for glossy green leaves. In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground.
How Big Do Weeping Cherry Trees Get?
Weeping cherry tree height can be anywhere from 20 to 30 feet when it is fully grown.
Where Should I Plant a Weeping Cherry Tree?
If you want vibrant, healthy blooms, your best bet is to plant the tree in a spot that will receive bright, full sun. At most, it can tolerate just a little bit of shade.
The soil around the tree should be well-draining to prevent root rot.
To help prevent other weeping cherry tree problems like disease, it is helpful if the tree is located where air can easily circulate through the branches.
How Messy Are Weeping Cherry Trees?
Weeping cherries will drop their flowers at the end of spring and their leaves at the end of autumn. If you’re not a fan of leaves or flowers on the ground, then you may find these trees a bit messy.
On the other hand, these trees do not drop anything truly messy like large fruits.
Is Weeping Cherry a Good Tree?
The weeping cherry is a gorgeous tree that makes a statement in any yard. In the spring, it stands out with its pink flowers and drooping branches. These trees make great ornamentals.
They are an excellent tree if you have the room in your yard for one. They do require bright sunlight, so they need a spot where they will not be shaded by other trees.
How Do You Keep a Weeping Cherry Tree Small?
Aside from getting into the art of bonsai, the way to keep the tree small is to prune back the branches.
Pruning doesn’t need to happen often, but it is useful for keeping cherry trees healthy and reducing their overall size. Pruning the tree allows you to cut back dead branches and create space under the canopy to allow proper airflow.
Alternatively, you can look into one of the dwarf varieties of weeping cherry if you’re interested in a small one.
When Should I Plant a Weeping Cherry Tree?
If you want the blooms to come out at the right time, that being in the spring, your best bet is to plant them in the spring.
However, if you find yourself with a weeping cherry unexpectedly, they can be planted nearly any time of year. That first year you may not get to see the spring blooms, but after a while, the tree should right itself to the seasons.
What Month Do Weeping Cherry Trees Bloom?
You can expect to see the blooms on a weeping cherry during the spring. Depending on where you live, these blooms may come a little earlier than in other places. It depends on the temperature and the individual tree.
Do Weeping Cherry Trees Lose Their Leaves?
Yes, they do. Like most deciduous trees, they will lose their golden leaves in late fall.
Are Weeping Cherry Trees Fragrant?
Yes, they are. Every year the blossoms of the weeping cherry give off a light floral scent.
Do Weeping Cherry Trees Produce Cherries?
Yes. The weeping cherry grows small, sour fruit. Due to their size, they are not recommended for eating.
What Colors Do Weeping Cherry Trees Come In?
They have blooms that can be either light pink or white. The leaves will be bright green in the summer and yellow in the fall. The exposed trunk will almost look bronze in color in the winter.
What Are Different Types of Weeping Cherry Trees?
There are a few different cultivars of the weeping cherry tree, including a small weeping cherry tree known as a dwarf weeping cherry. Some varieties include:
- Weeping Higan Cherry
- Double Weeping Cherry
- Weeping Yoshino Cherry
- Japanese Weeping Cherry
- Pink Snow Showers Weeping Cherry
- Dwarf Weeping Cherry
What did you think of the weeping cherry tree? We are admirers of the drooping branches of flowers that create a canopy of blooms. These trees look almost magical in the spring and continue to carry their beauty into the summer, fall, and winter.