Purple Lotus Flower Meanings

purple lotus flower meanings - greenplantpro

People in East Asian countries like China and Japan have cultivated the purple lotus flower for centuries.

This plant, known for its vibrant color and wonderful scent, has led to its use as an ingredient in many different kinds of products.

The flower’s fragrance has both relaxing and invigorating effects, so it is ideal for use not only in home decor but also in aromatherapy, body care products, and even food.


Description of Purple Lotus Flower

The purple lotus flower, also known as the sacred lotus or the bean flower, is a water lily native to India. It is easily distinguishable with its lavender color and its heart-shaped leaves. 

This plants can grow up to 3 feet tall and 5 feet wide. It has a typical lily shape with six white petals that surround a yellow center that looks like a star or sun. The leaves are oval-shaped, green in color and up to 20 inches across.

It is a very delicate flower that petals of this beautiful purple flower are thin and round, resembling the shape of a lotus leaf. The purple lotus has a long flowering season, which spans from February to November, depending on their location. They usually have flower buds during winter (in tropical climates), but open only when spring arrives.

These petals surround the yellow center which is filled with seeds. Purple lotus flower has a unique step method of reproduction, unlike most flowers that use pollination to create more flowers. This process begins when a leaf on the surface of the water comes into contact with the pollen from another plant and sinks to the bottom.

Once at the bottom, it forms roots using bits of dirt attached to it from the original plant. Then, after it has grown strong enough, it will sprout a new plant and float back to the top again.

Because of this interesting process, people often use the pruple lotus flowers in decorative vases or bowls as they don’t need much maintenance.



The history of the purple lotus is quite interesting. The origin of this plant is thought to be in Japan, where it was originally called “kikkou”, meaning “purple jewel”.

In 1875, Japanese soldiers who have returning from the Japanese invasion of Korea first introduced it to America.

It was used as an ornamental plant during the Victorian era in England and in the US. Purple lotus flower is still used as a decorative plant in Europe today, especially in Italy and France.


Purple Lotus Flower Meanings


Spiritual Enlightenment

Purple lotus flowers are associated with spiritual enlightenment and a higher state of consciousness.

The color purple is associated with the crown chakra, which is located at the top of the head. This chakra regulates our intuition and psychic abilities.

When this chakra is blocked or imbalanced, we may feel disconnected from our inner selves and unable to trust our own instincts.

Purple lotus flowers can help us open up this chakra. So that we can become more aware of our spiritual essence and develop our psychic abilities.


Peaceful Sleep

Purple Lotus promotes a peaceful sleep by calming the mind and body before bedtime.

The color purple has been shown to help people fall asleep faster and more easily than any other color. Because it stimulates the pineal gland (also called the third eye), which regulates melatonin production in the brain that helps regulate sleep cycles.



Purple lotus flowers have been used for centuries as an aid for meditation because they promote peace of mind and tranquility within one’s self-awareness, allowing one to focus on their breath or a mantra without distraction



The violet-purple color of the soft petals represents royalty, honor and spirituality. This lovely flower has long been associated with Egyptian royalty and goddesses such as Isis and Hathor. Who were both associated with fertility, rebirth, resurrection and other aspects of death and the afterlife.


Purple Lotus Flowers In Hinduism

Purple lotus flowers are a common sight in Hinduism, and even have a specific name in Sanskrit: “kamal”. The purple lotus flower is the national flower of India.

It is also connected to the Ganges River, which is sacred to Hindus. The flowers grow from its waters, and it is believed that the flower blossoms first and then dies, only to be reborn again. This process of death and rebirth is symbolic of the spirituality found within Hinduism.

The purple lotus flower signifies beauty and purity in Hinduism. The color purple also has several meanings in Hinduism. While white represents purity, purple represents divinity. 

Purple is also associated with the god Vishnu, who is often depicted wearing a garment that is somewhere between blue and purple in color. This color is also the color of the sacred Ganges River, which Hindus believe to be one of the most sacred places on earth.


Purple Lotus Flowers In Buddhism

Buddhist scholar Daisetz T. Suzuki has written about the origin of the purple lotus as a Buddhist symbol.

“The word for the Indo-Chinese lotus is nelumbar. In Sanskrit it is Padma, in Tibetan it is padmasa, and in Chinese it is lianhuah or lianhua.

From liana we have liane, the vine which clings to everything. And from this we get our English word ‘lien’ which has no connection with flowers but means ‘to be dependent on.’

It is interesting that this plant should be chosen as a symbol of purity in its original state untouched by human hands.



Purple lotus flower is a famous flower in Chinese and Japanese culture. It has been used in various ways for thousands of years. For medicinal purposes, as a food additive, and even as a fabric dye. 

It’s easy to grow, but can be a little difficult to obtain. Purple lotus is native to northern Vietnam, southern China, Korea and Japan. And it has been cultivated in Thailand and India. In the US, purple lotus is grown as an ornamental plant.

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