Plum Tomatoes: What You Need To Know
“Are tomatoes a vegetable or a fruit?” Either way, they’re delicious! Plum tomatoes are a popular cultivar of tomato, one of America’s favorite pieces of produce. If you have ever walked through the produce section of your local grocery store or checked out a farmer’s market, the odds are high that you’ve seen this kind of tomato before.
Despite the well-known cultivar, most people don’t know much about it. They’re such a commonplace, everyday sight that we don’t think about them at all. Here are a few handy facts about this tomato. Take a closer look at plum tomato size and Plum tomatoes vs. Roma tomatoes.
What Do Plum Tomatoes Look Like?
It is most easily identified by its unique shape, looking like an extended oval or a cylinder. Depending on the specific variety, they can be longer or shorter, with a blunter or more pointed end. But all plum tomato cultivars will have this oblong shape.
Typically they have the same bright red color as most common tomatoes when grown to full ripeness. Beginning as pale green unripe fruits and slowly deepening to an orange shade until eventually reaching their vibrant red coloration.
Once it is cut open, you will notice that it has only two of the watery seed compartments known as locules. The rest of the tomato consists of dense, almost chewy red flesh.
Plum Tomatoes vs Roma Tomatoes
Roma tomatoes are a specific breed of plum tomato, a cultivar known as the Italian plum tomato. As the name implies, this breed is quite popular in Italy and often used in their cooking, where individuals render it down for tomato-based sauces.
But they’re not just popular in Italy – the vast majority of plum types grown and cultivated for commercial purposes worldwide are the Roma variety. The popularity means that most people think of them first when they think of plum tomatoes. Any plum tomatoes you’ve seen in your local grocery store were most likely Roma tomatoes.
However, Roma tomatoes are not the only variety of plum tomatoes available. Other reasonably popular types include the San Marzano, the unusually large Amish Paste, and the evocatively-named Big Mama.
Can I Substitute Roma Tomatoes for Plum Tomatoes?
Though Roma tomatoes are a variety of Plum tomatoes, they are a more acidic tomato type. The San Marzano is a good option if you need to find a substitute.
What Do Plum Tomatoes Taste Like?
They are distinctly flavorful, although they have less of the acidic tang that most tomatoes are prone to carry. It is preferable to people who prefer milder tastes that won’t be too harsh on the mouth or the stomach. Plum tomatoes have reduced acid without wanting to lose too much of the tomato’s natural flavor.
Despite this, it isn’t universally true. The Roma variety is notable for having much higher acidity than the average plum tomato.
Due to having a lower water content than most commercial tomato breeds, they’re generally less moist than some tomato cultivars. But they aren’t dry enough to negatively affect the taste.
Are Plum Tomatoes Good for Weight Loss?
While it isn’t a silver bullet perfect food that will instantly solve all your weight woes, they are healthy. People watching their waistlines and those who like to eat a clean diet can benefit from incorporating Plum tomatoes into their diet.
Like all tomatoes, plum tomatoes are relatively low in calories and fat, making them unlikely to cause any notable weight gain. They are also rich in dietary fiber. Which can help promote a healthy digestive system – making it easier for your body to fully and smoothly process anything else you decide to eat.
In addition to concerns about weight loss, it can also be a source of other health benefits, such as adding much-needed nutrients to your daily diet. They are a crucial source of the nutrients lycopene and beta-carotene. Known to help reduce the levels of LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, in your bloodstream.
Are Plum Tomatoes Good in a Salad?
Most chefs prefer smaller varieties like cherry tomatoes for a fresh tossed salad. However, it can be an excellent addition to a salad if you have a taste for them.
Due to their low moisture content, they tend to have a longer shelf life once cut. These tomatoes can be handy if you’re preparing a salad in advance that you want to keep for a while instead of serving right away.
When preparing a plum tomato to be used in a salad, many chefs remove the seeds and watery inner portions entirely. Only the dense, flavorful flesh of the tomato is chopped up and mixed in with the other vegetables.
With so many qualities and such a delicious flavor, it’s no wonder that the plum tomato is such a popular cultivar. If you’re looking for something tasty, look no further than this excellent vegetable.