Pansy Flower Meaning and Symbolism
Pansy flower meaning and symbolism are the essences of what this tiny little blossom represents. This article will tell you all about the pansy flower and its spiritual connotations, as well as a bit about its magical history.
What is a pansy flower look like?
A pansy is a flower that belongs to the family “Violaceae”, or violet family. Pansey flowers are also known as heartsease and viola which have funnel-like petals that are brightly colored in yellow, purple and blue.
Most pansies have 4 or 5 petals, with brightly colored flowers that are often striped, spotted, or streaked. This is a good flower for beds in full sun locations where hot weather may burn other types of flowers.
Pansy flowers are among the most popular and decorative annuals. These low-maintenance plants tend to be longer lived than other types of annuals, with some varieties lasting for up to 3 years.
Pansy flowers like to be watered regularly and will grow well in cool weather as well.
History of pansy flower
If you live in the United States, you’ve probably seen pansy flowers in a variety of settings. From their place as the daisies of our gardens, to the posies pinned to the lapels of soldiers. They’ve been part of our national fabric since before there was the United States.
Pansies have been cultivated in Europe for hundreds of years, and were introduced to America by European settlers.
The first pansy flowers were yellow-flowered, and were originally called “love-in-idleness”. An old English term for a sweetheart or lover who makes you feel lazy because you don’t want to do anything except be with him or her. The name was later shortened to simply “pansy”.
The first “pansies” from Europe were actually a wildflower that is now known as Viola tricolor, which is Latin for “three-colored violet.” They were brought over to England by William Turner, who grew them in his garden after receiving them from Amsterdam.
Painted by Dutch artist Jan Breughel the Younger in 1620, these yellow and brown-budded flowers are still among the most commonly seen images of pansies today.
The history of this flower dates back to the 1500s when it first appeared in Europe. At the time, it was given as a gift to young girls during Valentine’s Day. Because they were thought to represent chastity and modesty.
In addition to that, they were used in medieval herbals as remedies for epilepsy and heart diseases. During the Renaissance period in Europe, it was used as an ornamental plant as well as a medicinal herb. During the Victorian Era, it became popular again due to its association with innocence. Since it was often placed on the graves of young children.
Pansy flower spiritual meanings and symbolism
This pansy flower, also known as heartsease, is the symbol of friendship, love, and compassion. Pansies are also associated with the Virgin Mary and are often used in Christian art and design.
To understand this beautiful flower’s significance for a particular spiritual belief system or practice. We’ll break down the pansy flower meaning at the different stages of growth.
Blooming stage
The meaning of the blossoming pansy flower is based on the color it blooms into.
Red represents passion, affection, and desire.
Yellow denotes cheerfulness, hope, and joy.
Orange or yellow with red centers show gratitude and remembrance.
Peach shows devotion and humility.
Dormant phase
The dormant pansy flower means healing, patience, compassion, and restorative powers. It also means reconciliation after conflict or an argument.
Dead phase
A dead pansy means that a loved one has died but that they live on in your heart as an everlasting memory.
As a member of the Viola genus, the pansy flower has its own language. Like other flowers in this family, pansies’ meaning is tied to their shape and color.
They are symbols of love and purity. When someone offers you a bouquet of these flowers, she hopes that these traits will be part of your relationship with her.
Do pansies like sun or shade?
The pansy most prefers shade to sun, but will tolerate sun for a couple of hours a day. If you know anything about the pansy, it’s that it likes a lot of water and extra nutrients in the soil.
So without extra water and fertilizing, a pansy will not grow well. Too much sun also can often burn the leaves of this plant, which leads to withering. This is why shade is the best environment for them.
What month do pansies bloom?
Well, the surprising answer is almost all 365 days of the year. They can survive in almost any condition, except for hot and humid weather. The best time to plant them is 15th May – 10th June.
How long do pansy flowers last?
Most pansy flowers will last at least two weeks if kept in the right conditions. Maintain proper care, and keep the water changed. You’ll have your own flowers to take home and enjoy for a long time to come.
There are some flowers that are more long-lasting than others, but this is the general rule of thumb.
Do pansies need water every day?
Pansies do not need to be watered daily, but they do need water frequently. However, too much watering can harm them. We should pay attention to the growth of the plant, and then choose an appropriate water time.
How do you keep pansies blooming?
If the pansies only get enough water once a week and drainage is poor. The roots will not be able to deliver enough oxygen for the blossom to grow.
To solve this problem, it is best to use soil with a high peat level, which allows for excellent drainage and makes it easier for the roots to breathe.
If you are transplanting start with clean soil free from any chemicals. Water them regularly but don’t drown them. You can feed them every other day with fish or mushroom fertilizer.
Any kind of plant fertilizer is fine as long as it uses real plant food rather than synthetics such as ammonia nitrate or sulfate of potash. When they are transplanted, add in some light bone meal to promote blooming.
Fish emulsion works very well year-round. Give all your pansies at least two to three hours of sun each day, and make sure they have air circulation. Because they do not like stale air or humidity.
Do pansies spread out?
Pansies have roots that grow close to the soil, so they need healthy soil packed with nutrients. They do this by spreading out.
The reason is simple, more nutrients in the soil mean bigger flowers. When you water your pansies and water seep down into the soil, that’s when you see it happen.
Pansies don’t want a thick layer of mulch on top of their plant bed, because that doesn’t let the nutrients get to the plant’s roots.
What do you think will happen if you put too much mulch over your pansy beds?
Perhaps they would stop spreading out as much? That would probably be a big problem.
What to do with pansies when they have finished flowering?
You can be creative with these plants.
Some of us simply put the flower stems in water and they become beautiful bouquets. Others recommend making a sauce, or even giving them away to friends.
I think that pansy is a great plant for kids to conquer. It won’t be difficult for them to figure out what to do with this plant when it’s old and dried up.
Kids are good in such cases. You can also sow seeds from your flowers’ stems directly into the ground. So following year you will not have wasted your time maintaining these plants and watering them.
Are pansies indoor or outdoor plants?
Pansies are considered to be indoor plants because they do not tolerate cold weather very well.
If the temperature gets to -5 degrees, this plant is going to die. So you can keep them inside your house in order to enjoy their flowers. But if you want to make sure that they grow alright, you must put them in a place where it is nice and warm all year round.
You might also want to consider a grow light so that they get the right amount of sun.
Will pansies survive winter in pots?
I would say that pansies will not survive winter in pots. You see, they are summer flowers that grow in the ground in temperatures as hot as 50 degrees Celsius.
Their roots are spread wide to make use of every amount of sunlight. Otherwise, they would shrivel up and die.
It’s best to take them out of pots before the first frost comes and place them outside where they belong. Even if you’re not a gardener, it’s still a good idea.
Will pansies rebloom if cut back?
It depends on the variety. In most cases, they will not.
The usual exception is that varieties bred for indoor forcing will rebloom when they are forced to start the final stage of their growth cycle.
These varieties are usually labeled as forcing or pot pansies, and you can find them wherever you buy pansies in pots.
If you cut off an entire stem at once, there’s almost no chance any of it will come back. If you remove one or two blooms and grow them under proper conditions, there’s still only a tiny possibility to come back.
Taking all these into account, it can be seen that pansy flowers have a much broader meaning and symbolism than most people may realize.
This means that a single flower may have multiple meanings. It depends on the color of the individual petals, where the flower was purchased, who gave it to you, and many other factors.
Therefore, it tends to be better to avoid giving oneself such labels if one must put the meaning of a pansy flower in just one sentence.