Indian Hawthorn: Everything You Need To Know
Indian Hawthorn is an evergreen shrub that makes a beautiful addition to any garden. Found more commonly in warmer, coastal areas such as southern China and Australia, this plant is laid back, easy to care for, and low maintenance.
But what is the Indian hawthorn? Today we’ll be covering more about this plant, including where it thrives, where it works best in your garden, and any health concerns you may have keeping this shrub around pets. Keep reading to learn more.
Is Indian Hawthorn a Good Plant?
It is a lovely shrub that originated in Southern China. It’s known for its soft pink and white flowers that bloom during springtime. Dark green, glossy leaves cover the plant for the rest of the year.
Whether or not it’s a good plant depends mainly on your preferences. They make lovely low, rounded hedges, and they make excellent potted plants as well. As an evergreen, they will give you a pop of life no matter what time of year it is.
How Big Does an Indian Hawthorn Get?
It isn’t a massive shrub. At most, it will reach a total height of between 4 and 6 feet. This height makes them perfect for a non-traditional hedge, thanks to their naturally round shape and tendency to merge with other hawthorns.
Is Indian Hawthorn Fast Growing?
No. For the most part, the Indian hawthorn is a slow-growing shrub. Their rate of growth will be additionally affected by growing conditions. For optimal growth, you should plant the Indian hawthorn in a spot with plenty of sunlight, well-draining soil, and adequate water.
The bright side of their slow growth rate is that you can go longer between prunings. This makes it more low maintenance than other similar shrubs.
The only downside is that it may take some time for a new Indian hawthorn hedge to become established in your garden and produce the appearance you like.
What is Indian Hawthorn Use For?
In gardens, the Indian hawthorn has two primary uses. The first is as a hedge. It has the perfect height for hedgerows, reaching a height of under six feet. They also naturally have a lovely rounded shape, which makes them blend in with the garden rather than look unnatural.
The other use for hawthorn is as an outside potted plant. Hawthorns do exceptionally well in large garden pots, making them great for use as accent plants in your garden.
Where Should I Plant Indian Hawthorn?
It is luckily not a very picky plant. It’s not too bothered by soil quality and is fairly drought resistant. The only thing you may want to take into consideration is sunlight.
For best results, you should plant the Indian hawthorn in a spot that receives full sunlight. It’s, however, tolerant to some shade in the afternoon. The only downside to not getting all the sun you can for your hawthorn is that their typically dense appearance will thin a little in less light.
Is Indian Hawthorn Poisonous to Dogs?
Technically no. It doesn’t contain anything that would poison a dog. The plant and berries are all safe enough for your dog to eat. In fact, hawthorn berries are often used to treat heart conditions.
The only thing you may notice if your dog gets into a patch of hawthorn is that they may have an upset stomach for about a day. If this happens, offer your dog plenty of water and soft foods such as boiled chicken and plain white rice until they feel better.
Should You Deadhead Indian Hawthorn?
Indian hawthorn will shed its flowers on its own. No need for deadheading. You can, however, prune an Indian hawthorn to encourage it to grow thicker. When pruning, new growth will rise from the bud below where you cut. Pruning can also be used to remove Indian hawthorn freeze damage.
How Cold Hardy is Indian Hawthorn?
It is built for warmer climates. You will not find this shrub in colder climates (unless it is a cold-tolerant hybrid).
This plant lives around the hardiness level between 8 and 10. At most, it can tolerate temperatures down to 5 Fahrenheit.
Is There a Dwarf Indian Hawthorn?
Yes, there is. The dwarf variety of the Indian hawthorn is known simply as a dark Indian hawthorn. It grows to about 3 feet tall at full height, roughly half of its larger relative.
What Time of Year Do You Plant Indian Hawthorn?
The best time to plant an Indian hawthorn is just before the growing season in early spring or even late winter. As the newly transplanted hawthorn follows the laws of the seasons, spring and summer will give it plenty of opportunities to grow and settle into place.
There is some argument that you could transplant these trees in the summer, as the rapid growth with summer would help them to establish quickly. However, due to the stress this would put on the shrub, it’s not recommended.
Do Indian Hawthorn Attract Bees?
Yes. It has plenty of flowers in the early spring that bees just love to visit at the start of a season.
Bees typically hibernate during the winter, so the Indian hawthorn is one of those plants that will give them an early breakfast once they have woken from a long winter’s sleep.
Aside from bees, birds and other pollinators will visit Indian hawthorn as well, making these shrubs the home of plenty of wildlife.
Why Are My Indian Hawthorn Leaves Turning Yellow?
There could be a few reasons why the leaves would turn yellow. To start, you need to look at the yellowing and see if there are any other indicators, such as spots or veins.
Spotted yellow leaves are often a sign of Indian hawthorn diseases, such as entomosporium.
Other options could include anything from too much water to too much fertilizer.
There is plenty to love about the Indian hawthorn. It’s a beautiful shrub that makes a great addition to any garden. We particularly like the rounded shape to make more natural-looking hedges that provide both beauty and privacy. Consider the Indian Hawthorn next time you’re looking for something to round out your garden.